


文科 & 法国研究
2025春季学期 巴黎

文科 & 法国研究 可用的会议

飞行信贷 获得价值高达 $1,000 在2024年9月12日之前使用代码*申请


专为所有法语水平的学生设计, this program allows you to acquire and improve French language skills while earning credit toward your major or graduation requirements. 你的语言课程侧重于语法, 词汇量的发展, 听力理解, 口头表达, 并包括两个必要的组成部分:语言(课程实践)和语音. Combine these intensive language courses at the Sorbonne’s Cours de Civilisation Française (CCFS) with a wide range of electives, 在CEA CAPA巴黎中心用英语授课. 从历史等科目中选择选修课程, 业务, 艺术历史, 文化研究, 沟通, 政治科学. An Early Start option in the Fall semester allows you to jump start your language learning before the semester begins.


  • 概述
  • 地点:
  • 巴黎
  • 日期:
  • 1/6/25 - 5/17/25
  • 价格:
  • $20,895
  • 学分:
  • 13 - 16
  • 最后期限
  • 申请:
  • 10/5/24
  • 撤销:
  • 11/2/24
  • 应用程序需求
  • 项目参与协议
  • 网上申请费$95
  • 完整的应用程序
  • 文字记录-非官方
  • 资格
  • 最低
  • 2.5
  • 外语水平:
  • 所有级别
  • 教育
  • 高中毕业

1919年由巴黎索邦大学联谊会创立 巴黎索邦大学法兰西文明课程 is today an independent institution of higher education in 法国 with institutional ties to Sorbonne Université. Students from around the world come to take courses in French language and civilization taught by trained FLE (French as a foreign language) instructors.
位于充满活力的玛莱区的中心 CEA CAPA巴黎中心 提供小班授课和广泛的英语授课选修课程. 选择最符合你的学术、职业和个人兴趣的课程. 通过一项针对当地学生的资助计划, 你将有机会在几节课上和法国学生坐在一起. 

当你宝博体育的时候 巴黎,你可以选择 CEA CAPA住房 或者安排自己的独立住房. CEA CAPA住房 assignments are based on availability and confirmation date; we make every effort to match your 住房 requests, 但我们不能保证住房偏好. 住房 assignments in the Early Start portion of the program (Fall semester only) may differ from the 住房 assignments for the remainder of the semester.


每学期,您将参加1门CCFS语言课程和1-2门CEA CAPA课程. CCFS language courses meet for 145 contact hours/10 credits; CEA CAPA courses meet for 45 contact hours/3 credits.

你每学期可以获得13-16个学分(最多235个课时). 如果您选择“早开始”选项,您可以获得16-19学分(最多280学时). Academic year students may earn 26-32 credits (up to 470 contact hours); if you choose the Early Start option in the Fall, 你可以获得29-35学分(最多515学分).

CCFS语言课程的课程练习部分每天2小时, Monday-Friday; the phonetics component meets for 1 hour per day, Monday-Friday, 为期5周. CEA CAPA选修课每周1-3次,上课时间为周一至周五. 早教课程每天上课,周一至周五. 课程要求的主动学习部分可能安排在周五.

Prior to departure, you will select your preferred courses and take an online placement examination. 您的课程注册将基于可用性和您的分班考试结果. It is in your best interest to have multiple alternative courses approved by your home university prior to your departure due to course availabilities. 以确保您获得您所处语言级别的学分, 在你去法国之前,你的家庭学校是否预先批准了几个级别的课程. Please consult with your academic advisor at your home university on credit pre-approval guidelines.




主办院校过去开设过以下课程. 请注意 that course listings may not be finalized until the start of the term; we’ll post an updated list when the host institution finalizes its offerings.

*课程 with an asterisk indicate that the course has been associated with multiple subject areas.
Please click on the course title to view additional subject areas and detailed course information.


走出去探索! 大多数学期、学年和夏季课程都提供短途旅行*. Semester students are typically offered between two to three excursions and summer study students are typically offered between one to two excursions. 你会收到一份旅行日程表 during 取向; here are a few day and overnight excursions we've offered in the past.



Board the high-speed train Thalys and cross the northern border to discover the delights of the city of chocolates, 华夫饼, 和炸薯条. 欣赏布鲁日联排别墅的多彩建筑, 爬到钟楼的顶端, 试着看一眼北海. 听一辆马车经过附近时马蹄声的节奏. 探索镇上最后一家仍在运营的啤酒厂,品尝当地美食. End your journey relaxing in a tea room with the best whipped-cream-topped hot chocolate for the ultimate chocolate experience, 然后带着灿烂的笑容和满满的肚子回到巴黎!



乘坐高速列车前往阿维尼翁,参观教皇宫, 欧洲最大的城市之一, 最重要的中世纪哥特式建筑. We’ll take a private coach to discover the Alpilles of the Provence region on the way to Roussillon, 一个坐落在山顶上的美丽村庄,以其赭石小径而闻名. 沿着赭色悬崖之间的小径前行,这里的风景给塞尚和梵高带来了灵感. 第二天, we’ll visit one of the most beautiful villages in 法国: les Baux de Provence and its castle. 在回阿维尼翁的路上, 我们将参观普罗旺斯圣雷米的露天市场, 在酒窖前驻足品尝“普罗旺斯之酒”和当地美食.



探索阿尔萨斯东部地区. 游览开始于斯特拉斯堡市中心的深度徒步之旅, where you’ll immediately notice the strong Germanic influence in the architecture and way of life. We’ll enjoy a cruise down the Ill River that carries us through the Petite 法国 district and to European Parliament, 欧洲一体化的中心机构. The regions of Alsace and Lorraine have been the object of much conflict over the centuries, 法国和德国争夺所有权. 两种文化的融合产生了美味的食物,如“choucroute”或“flammekueche”,在品尝传统的阿尔萨斯美食时,你可以品尝当地的优质啤酒. 在离开之前, we’ll cross the border to Germany and enjoy a glimpse of the black forest and the city of Fribourg. 您还可以在一个小型的家庭经营的葡萄园里品尝阿尔萨斯葡萄酒.



无论你是一个新手还是印象派艺术运动的忠实粉丝, 吉维尼是一个不容错过的目的地. 这一天从参观莫奈生平和作品博物馆开始. 从这里, 沿着一条小路穿过郁郁葱葱的花园,那里有一个睡莲池, 竹补丁, 花朵绽放出绚丽的色彩.k.a. 美丽的风景激发了莫奈的许多画作!)等着被发现. Meandering through Monet's gardens will surely work up your appetite; be sure to try some traditional dishes from Normandy. 在你的空闲时间, 你可以选择去探索印象派博物馆, which displays works from several famous artists who flocked to this remarkable place to visit Monet throughout his life.



这个预算包含了你可以带到你的经济援助办公室的费用. 请注意 that amounts may fluctuate; we’ve included a range of costs.

Federal law allows the use of financial aid to cover “reasonable” costs of study abroad including round-trip transportation, 项目的学杂费, 生活成本, 护照和签证费, 健康保险, 和更多的.

请注意,以下列出的所有费用和收费如有更改,恕不另行通知. 除项目价格外,所有费用均为预估费用,可能会有所不同.



以下是您的计划的暂定日程安排. 请注意,以下日期及活动如有更改,恕不另行通知. 购买机票前请联系中国民航航空公司.


Note: Additional cultural activities/excursions or required course-related activities may be incorporated into your final itinerary. 在确定最后日期之前,建议不要安排个人旅行.



通过两个简单的步骤获取您的航班信用码并进入存折. 与存折, 你可以跟踪你最喜欢的节目和课程, 保存航班积分, 观看你感兴趣的目的地的视频.


步骤1 / 2

2 / 2步骤

*提供你的流动电话号码, you agree to receive recurring text messages from CEA CAPA 教育 Abroad notifying you of important program deadlines. 消息和数据速率可能适用.

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您的航班积分已添加到您的存折上. 现在申请或查看您的存折,开始您旅程的下一步.

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