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Europe’s Best Kept Secret

Study abroad in Hungary to combine education with relaxation and see a side of the world most people only dream of. 这个中欧国家个性严肃. 在匈牙利的城市和城镇中,你可以自己找到答案, 每一个都不一样, 匈牙利能提供多少. Indulge in Budapest’s spa culture with frequent visits to the public thermal baths that have been the city’s hallmark for thousands of years. 在Szentendre度过一个周末, 一个以艺术画廊和博物馆而闻名的城市, where colorful houses and cobblestone streets create an enchanting atmosphere. 感受一下匈牙利的正宗文化, 参观质朴的村庄Hollókȍ, 还有标志性的白色砖房, where the Paloc people continue to keep their folk traditions alive through food, dance, costume, festivals, and crafts. 请登录Visegrád回到过去, a historic citadel once home to King Charles I where medieval ruins still stand and the annual Royal Palace Festival attracts visitors every year to experience a recreation of medieval festivities. Stop in Esztergom, 多瑙河上的另一座城市, 近距离观看它的圆顶大教堂,它顶着天际线. The basilica shares a complex with a Neoclassical castle and houses the world’s largest Catholic altarpiece. Whether you want the dynamic energy of a big city or the quiet stillness of a small town, Hungary has you covered.  

Cities of Hungary

Cities of Hungary


被宁静的多瑙河分隔, Budapest has long been a lively cultural center and focal point of Hungary and is considered a hidden gem of Central Europe.
1.7 Million
Summer Temp
70°F (21°C)
Winter Temp
32°F (1°C)
Sample Programs
  • Business
  • Economics
  • Social Sciences

You’ll probably arrive in Hungary without any expectations about the native food, 也就是说你要有惊喜了! 这个国家的菜肴丰盛、美味,而且很容易接受. Start with the Hungarian classic, goulash, a beef soup typically made with potatoes and vegetables. Whether you eat it at a restaurant or get it homemade, goulash is comfort food you can count on. 其他受欢迎的匈牙利菜,如lángos(炸面包), Fözelék(独特的蔬菜炖菜), 卷心菜里塞满了肉和米饭, 辣椒酱(鸡肉加辣椒奶油酱), and rakott krumpli (layered potatoes) will have you developing a sincere appreciation for Hungarian food. 用匈牙利的甜点来满足你对甜食的渴望,比如krsammes, a pastry filled with vanilla custard; dobostorta, a chocolate buttercream sponge cake; and kürtȍskalács, 用甜香料卷成的螺旋状可分开的面包. By the time you’re ready to return home, you won’t want to leave Hungary’s food behind.The arts in Hungarian culture are a mix of the standard and the different: folk music and dance, 刺绣在舞蹈和游行中穿的传统服装上的刺绣, porcelain production, 古典和当代古典音乐, art museums and galleries, 以及复杂的文学史. 在布达佩斯的一家舞厅学习匈牙利舞蹈, where local amateurs and professionals alike gather to keep the tradition alive. 聆听匈牙利著名古典作曲家弗朗茨·李斯特的音乐, Bartók, 和Kodály在他们的祖国演出. Visit one of the largest porcelain factories in Europe, Herend, which opened in 1826. 花一个下午参加一年一度的民间艺术节, 参观匈牙利国家美术馆,欣赏精美的艺术品, or take a look at some of the country’s newest paintings in the industrial Budapest Art Factory. Visit one of the city’s many independent bookstores that carry plenty of titles in English and find out more about Hungary’s past of literary censorship and political resistance. However you want to get in touch with Hungary’s creative side, you have plenty to explore.  

Popular Programs

Popular Programs

Social Sciences

Social Sciences


This program incorporates a variety of subjects from history to political science and cultural studies. It allows students to develop foundational competence on contemporary global issues. CEA CAPA学生用匈牙利语和匈牙利语学习英语课程 other international students at Corvinus, truly integrating into campus life.

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  • ST
  • SU
  • SE
  • YR
  • Starting at $15,595
Business, Marketing & Economics

Business, Marketing & Economics


在欧洲的中心留学! 通过商务拓展你的国际经验, marketing, economics, 与匈牙利当地学生和其他国际学生一起学习金融课程. Round out your term with options from a variety of humanities courses such as political science, law and more. All courses are taught in English, with the exception of a beginner Hungarian language course.

See Details

  • ST
  • SU
  • SE
  • YR
  • Starting at $15,595

如果你更喜欢户外活动的话, the Hungarian landscape offers an abundance of beautiful spots to discover and enjoy. 在巴拉顿湖畔享受日光浴, 中欧最大的湖泊, 或者冒险到水上航行, wind surf, or cave dive. Stroll across charming vineyard grounds in the Tokaj wine-growing region or go spelunking in the caves of Aggtelek National Park. Hike through Hortobágy National Park where you can see hundreds of bird species, Hungarian Grey cattle, water buffalo, sheep, and horses. Hortobágy是欧洲最大的半天然草原. 在海姆斯湖好好泡一泡, 世界上最大的温泉湖, 如果你想选择布达佩斯众多的温泉浴场. 在布达佩斯附近度过一个愉快的下午, 参观多瑙河上的玛格丽特岛公园, 你可以坐在音乐喷泉旁边吗, go for a run, 在奥林匹克标准的游泳池里游泳, 从玛格丽特桥上欣赏这座城市的美景. 匈牙利会提醒你为什么外面的生活更好. 当你在匈牙利留学时, you’ll get the chance to step into a new culture and locale very different from your home country. 当你和新朋友交往时,学习一些匈牙利语技能, classmates, and professors, 同时享受轻松的英语授课课程. Learn more about Hungary’s 20th century history of political upheaval through exposure to the lasting remnants of Soviet and Nazi occupation found throughout Budapest and beyond. Distinguish yourself from students who study abroad in Western Europe and return home with stories you can’t live anywhere else.    



  • Széchenyi Thermal baths 在欧洲最大的药浴中泡上一个下午, 哪里的水含有几种重要的矿物质. 游泳池提供各种温度和深度, 浴室也提供桑拿浴, steam, massages, and other spa services. Open since 1913, Széchenyi Bath is also a fascinating piece of Budapest’s history and a good example of neo-Baroque architecture.
  • House of Terror Learn more about Hungary’s dark political history in the building that formerly housed the country’s Nazi headquarters, 匈牙利共产党秘密警察, 和法西斯的箭十字党. The permanent exhibition covers all of these oppressive regimes that dominated Hungary throughout the 20th century and allows you to take a tour through some of the former prison space in the building’s basement.
  • Buda Castle & Castle District Ride the funicular train car up a steep hill to the famous and historical Buda Castle, 几代匈牙利皇室曾经居住过的地方. 宫殿建筑群坐落在城堡山上, 它与充满中世纪气息的迷人城堡区接壤, Baroque, 新古典主义建筑. 布达城堡的地面上有令人印象深刻的雕塑, a gorgeous fountain, gardens, a cave system, and wine cellars. 布达佩斯历史博物馆也坐落在城堡里.
  • Ruin Pubs 和朋友们在布达佩斯的“废墟酒吧”度过一个晚上,时髦酒吧开在从未翻修过的废弃建筑里. 在过去的十年里,废墟酒吧在当地人中非常受欢迎, 原因很简单:它们提供了一种乐趣, 由于它们所占据的空间,大气中充满了砂砾, 通常用复古的家具和古怪的艺术品装饰.