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Discover Your own Joie de Vivre

在法国成为一名海外宝博体育生,在你规划未来职业生涯的过程中发现你自己的生活乐趣. The French economy is the 7th largest in the world and 3rd largest in Europe. 世界500强企业中有28家在这里,还有成千上万的中小企业, France is a treasure trove of internship placement opportunities. 它是世界上最大的农业生产国之一,也是第二大农业出口国, the leading nation for nuclear energy, and the most visited tourist destination on earth. Virtually every career field imaginable is represented in the French economy, 这意味着无论你的专业兴趣在哪里,你都能在这里找到高质量的宝博体育机会.

Cities of France

Cities of France


Aix-en-Provence is the birthplace of artist Paul Cezanne, who spent most of his career capturing the many facets of the region’s most noble residents, Mount Sainte-Victoire.
Summer Temp
85 - 95°F (30 - 35°C)
Winter Temp
42°F (5.5°C)
Sample Programs
  • Business
  • Fine & Studio Arts
  • Foreign Language & Literature
  • Internships

French Alps: Grenoble

Located in southeastern France, Grenoble offers miles of Alpine trails, mountain lakes and more than a dozen ski resorts within an hour’s drive.
Summer Temp
85 - 95°F (30 - 35°C)
Winter Temp
36°F (2°C)
Sample Programs
  • Business
  • Foreign Language & Literature


The City of Light has long been the center of politics, art and social change in France. 虽然这座城市在欧洲历史上有着深厚的渊源,但巴黎也可以令人惊讶地新鲜和现代.
2.24 Million
Summer Temp
69°F (21°C)
Winter Temp
41°F (5°C)
Sample Programs
  • Business
  • Communication
  • Engineering
  • Internships

Feast on some of the most delicious food in the world, 从新鲜出炉的法棍面包和羊角面包到奶油软奶酪和手工制作的巧克力. Try savory crêpes or quiche Lorraine for lunch. 尽量不要被所有诱人的晚餐选择所淹没:令人垂涎欲滴的confit duck或coq au vin, a dish of chicken braised in wine sauce; the classic boeuf bourguignon, the delicious French version of beef stew, or bouillabaisse, a Provencal fish soup. You’ll find it just as hard to pick a dessert in France as an entrée, with colorful macarons, delectable eclairs, and silky crème brûlée just a few of the options available. Don’t forget to pair French food with the right French beverage. Take a tour of a Bordeaux vineyard and taste some of the region’s internationally famous wine, or drink champagne in its birthplace to celebrate your time in this unforgettable country.

In a world that moves increasingly away from print, 在法国,你仍然可以在数百家独立的二手书店或巴黎塞纳河沿岸的街头小摊上浏览书架. There’s an equal abundance of good reading spots too, from park benches to old cafes to gorgeous libraries such as the Bibliothèque Mazarine.

When you complete an internship abroad in France, you’ll have the opportunity to practice your French language skills, develop in-demand job skills, and indulge in a culture of pleasure and beauty all at once. 充分利用法国独特的学前教育机会,无论是否包含学习内容. 在这个艺术家和知识分子聚集的国家,发现一个新的兴趣,或者把时间花在你的创作激情上. France invites you to experience the richness of life, work, and yourself.

Popular Internships

Popular Internships

Study + Internship in Aix-en-Provence

Study + Internship in Aix-en-Provence

IAU College
Aix-en-Provence, France

运用你的法语技能,融入当地文化,同时获得雇主看重的实践经验!  在普罗旺斯艾克斯的学习+宝博体育计划可以让你在发展艺术等领域的实用技能的同时,朝着你的学术学位稳步前进, art history, business, communication, education, journalism, history, museum studies, sustainability, tourism, and more. The program incorporates a professional internship placement as part of your studies abroad. Courses are taught in English and French.

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  • Starting at $9,695
Internship in Aix-en-Provence

Internship in Aix-en-Provence

IAU College
Aix-en-Provence, France

运用你的法语技能,融入当地文化,同时获得雇主看重的实践经验!  在普罗旺斯艾克斯的宝博体育计划只允许你专注于发展你需要补充你的学术研究,当你毕业的实用技能.  Internships are available in fields such art, art history, business, communication, education, journalism, history, museum studies, sustainability, tourism, and more.  This full-time internship program is open to all students, though a high-intermediate and above French language level is encouraged. Learn more about the benefits of a CEA internship.

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  • Starting at $9,695
Study + Internship in Grenoble

Study + Internship in Grenoble

CEA CAPA Grenoble Center - Extension, Université Grenoble - Alpes
French Alps: Grenoble, France

格勒诺布尔的学习+宝博体育项目是为那些有抱负的专业人士设计的,他们希望在不断变化的全球就业市场中脱颖而出. 这个项目可以让你在学业上取得进步,并保持在毕业的轨道上, 同时培养雇主希望你在进入就业市场时获得的顶级技能. During the program, 你将在当地的接待机构宝博体育,同时学习我们的强制性全球宝博体育课程和其他课程. Our diverse range of courses will provide you with a platform to excel academically, 您的个性化宝博体育安排将帮助您从全球视角获得专业经验,并在国际背景下向专业人士学习.

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  • YR
  • Starting at $6,995
Internship in Grenoble

Internship in Grenoble

CEA CAPA Grenoble Center - Extension
French Alps: Grenoble, France

格勒诺布尔的宝博体育项目是为那些有抱负的专业人士设计的,他们希望在不断变化的全球就业市场中脱颖而出. 这个项目可以让你在学业上取得进步,并保持在毕业的轨道上, 同时培养雇主希望你在进入就业市场时获得的顶级技能. During the program, 你将在当地的接待机构宝博体育,同时参加我们的强制性全球宝博体育课程. This will provide you with a platform to excel academically, 并从全球视角获取专业经验,在国际背景下向专业人士学习.

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  • Starting at $6,695
Study + Internship in Paris

Study + Internship in Paris

CEA CAPA Paris Center
Paris, France

巴黎的学习+宝博体育项目是为那些有抱负的专业人士而设计的,他们希望在不断变化的全球就业市场中脱颖而出. 这个项目可以让你在学业上取得进步,并保持在毕业的轨道上, 同时培养雇主希望你在进入就业市场时获得的顶级技能. During the program, 你将在当地的接待机构宝博体育,同时学习我们的强制性全球宝博体育课程和其他课程. Our diverse range of courses will provide you with a platform to excel academically, 您的个性化宝博体育安排将帮助您从全球视角获得专业经验,并在国际背景下向专业人士学习. Program options are dependent upon location, but may include: Semester, Summer, Part-Time and Full-Time Internships, and English and host language speaking placements.

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  • Starting at $7,495
Internship in Paris

Internship in Paris

CEA CAPA Paris Center
Paris, France

巴黎的宝博体育项目是为那些有抱负的专业人士设计的,他们希望在不断变化的全球就业市场中脱颖而出. 这个项目可以让你在学业上取得进步,并保持在毕业的轨道上, 同时培养雇主希望你在进入就业市场时获得的顶级技能. During the program, 你将在当地的接待机构宝博体育,同时参加我们的强制性全球宝博体育课程. This will provide you with a platform to excel academically, 并从全球视角获取专业经验,在国际背景下向专业人士学习

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  • Starting at $7,095

France is home to some of the most iconic monuments in the world. In Paris alone, you can see Le Pantheon, L’Arc de Triomphe, Notre Dame Cathedral, and the ultimate symbol of France, the Eiffel Tower. Stop at Le Pantheon, an 18th century Gothic cathedral turned mausoleum, to visit Voltaire, Rousseau, Victor Hugo, Marie Curie, Emile Zola, and other great French citizens buried there. Drive past L’Arc de Triomphe, 纪念在法国大革命和拿破仑战争中牺牲的法国老兵的著名纪念碑, at the equally well-known Champs-Élysées avenue. The Notre Dame Cathedral, 它是13世纪的建筑杰作,也是维克多·雨果的小说《宝博体育》的灵感来源, welcomes you to admire its stained-glass windows and hear the ringing of its bells. Snap a photo of yourself with new friends next to the one-of-a-kind Eiffel Tower or better yet, climb to the top of it for a view of the French capital that can’t be beat.

You can find just as much French history beyond Paris as in it. The extravagant Palace of Versailles, once the home of Queen Marie Antoinette, looks much the same as it did in the 18th century. Walk through its Hall of Mirrors and around the ever-beautiful gardens on the palace grounds, in the footsteps of French royalty. To go all the way back to ancient times, picnic on the riverbank next to the Pont du Gard Roman Aqueduct outside Avignon. Visit the beaches in Normandy where a decisive World War II battle took place.

France gave the world some of history’s most influential painters, including Renoir, Monet, Toulouse-Lautrec, Matisse, Manet, Cezanne, and Gauguin. Many of their works are exhibited at the Musee d’Orsay in Paris, often regarded as the best museum in the world. The Louvre, another world-famous art museum, houses great works such Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa, the Venus de Milo statue, The Winged Victory of Samothrace, 以及来自整个欧洲大陆的其他具有历史意义的绘画和雕塑. When you’re finished browsing Paris’ art museums, make sure to see Rodin’s most recognized sculpture, “The Thinker,” outside the Varenne metro station. Go to Giverny to visit Claude Monet’s lovely home and gardens, where the genre-defining painter once lived and worked. The Water Garden, with its Japanese bridge and lily pond, looks just as charming in person as it does in his paintings. 在普罗旺斯的艾克斯停下来,看看塞尚的旧工作室和他心爱的主题,圣维克多山.

Outdoor enthusiasts have an endless number of idyllic landscapes to explore in France. Go skiing or snowboarding in the majestic French Alps near Grenoble, where the miles of soaring, snowy peaks provide some of the best terrain for winter sports. Sunbathe on the luxurious beaches of the French Riviera and swim in the sparkling blue, Mediterranean waters. Breathe in the soothing scent of the lavender fields in Provence, as you stroll through the rows of radiant purple flowers. In Paris, look no further than the Jardin du Luxembourg for a slice of nature. 这些围绕着卢森堡宫的花园构成了城市中心一片迷人的绿洲, where you can find apple and pear orchards, an orangery, a vintage carousel, fountains, statues, and a pond where children sail toy boats. 沿着迷人的运河漫步,租一艘划艇,在镇上金碧辉煌的湖上度过一天. Kayak through the unbelievably teal waters of the Verdon Gorges, a stunning river canyon. Explore the magical Côte de Granit Rose in Brittany, one of only three places in the world where pink granite naturally occurs. 参观卡马尔格盐滩,进入红色和粉色泻湖的神秘环境,那里有火烈鸟, wild white horses, black bulls, and French cowboys live in harmony.

France Points of Interest

France Points of Interest

  • Museum Free Entrance Day On the first Sunday of every month, Paris opens its museums to the public for free. Take this opportunity to see the biggies or choose from hundreds of others!
  • Bastille Walk out the CEA Grenoble office door, turn left, and start walking up the mountain to get to the Bastille. This old fortress overlooking the city of Grenoble is a portal to many hiking trails. Just ask for a guidebook in the CEA office!
  • Hiking Ste. Victoire Mountain 普罗旺斯艾克斯的学生喜欢这样一个事实:他们可以在下午徒步到艾克斯家门口的圣维克托瓦山顶(别担心), it’s a mere climb of 670 to 3,336 feet!) and be rewarded with breathtaking views. You may recognize Ste. Victoire from artist Paul Cezanne’s paintings and sketches. Jump on a local bus in town center and 30 minutes later you’re at the foot of the mountain... and back in Aix for tea time!
  • Great Outdoors Enjoy the great outdoors when you study in the French Riviera, because swimming, kayaking, hiking and skiing are all within easy reach! For hiking, hop on a train to Le Trayas, 在那里你可以直接到达埃斯特尔山脉和数百英里的徒步小径. For winter sports, catch an inexpensive bus to the skiing slopes in Auron or Isola 2000.